2010. április 5., hétfő

Húsvét hétfő

Húsvét hétfő estéjén gyorsan megmutatom Nektek, én hogyan készültem az ünnepekre. Nagyon szeretem a Tralala mintákat, s a Guirlande d'oeufs már régóta hívogatott, hímezzem ki végre. A kék színt pirosra cseréltem, s bannert készítettem belőle.

Minta/Pattern: Tralala - Guirlande d'oeufs
Fonal/Thread: DMC blanc, Anchor 1204

On the evening of Easter Monday, in the last moment I show you how I was preparing for Easter. I like Tralala designs very much and this one was waiting to be stitched for a long time. I changed the blue colour to red and finished it as a banner.

Tojást is festettem, hagymahéjjal. Egész éven át szorgalmasan gyűjtöttük a vöröshagyma héját, s íme az eredmény:

I have also painted Easter eggs (a tradition in Hungary). I put a lot of skin of onion into the water and here is the result :)

16 megjegyzés:

unikat írta...

Nagyon szép lett a tralalás bannered!
Tetszik pirossal!
A tojáskák pedig remekművek. Csodaszépen kirajzolódnak a levelek!

Sari (saristitching) írta...

Your Tralala-work is nice and what a nice eggs! I have tried to color eggs with onions (many years ago) but they were not nice. But your eggs look just gorgeous!

Mylene írta...

Congrats on a beautiful finish and wow! What lovely eggs!!

Lainey írta...

Wow beautiful stitching and painted eggs!

Andulka írta...

Szép lett a te változatod is! ;-)

Sabine R írta...

Your Tralala hanger is absolutely gorgeous! And I love those eggs, they are beautiful. How did you do that? Did you put an egg and a leaf into an old stocking or so before you put them into the water?

Carol írta...

I love your eggs, Edit! I've never seen them dyed with onion skin--what a lovely color. How do you get the leaf impression on them?

Your Tralala design is so pretty--I know you'll look forward to decorating with it each Easter season...

rozandi írta...

Gyönyörű a banner is és a tojások is.

Maggitle írta...

YES! I would have picked red for the banner also! I looks sooo lovely like this! Congratualtions on that!
Your huevos are superb! You did a wonderful job on it! Just cannot imagine how many onions you had to peel to get this phantastic result!
Hugs, Margit

Edit írta...

Koszonom / Thank you!

Sabine, yes, I put nice leaves on the eggs, them put into an old stocking very very tightly and then to the boiling water, where previously I put lots of onion skin.

So, Carol, the trick is to put the leaves on the eggs and then they go into the stocking. Better to use the leaves wet.

And Margit, we were collecting the onion skins for a whole year! :)

Melinda írta...


Claire írta...

Your banner looks great.I tried painting egg's once but they didn't come out as good as your's, well done.

Michelle írta...

Wow, the eggs are beautiful!

Lovely finish - the banner looks beautiful.

Zsófi írta...

Szép lett a bannered, egyszer én is szeretném megcsinálni, nagyon bájos ez a hímzés. A tojások is remekül sikrültek. Én is héjjal festek, de csak egyszerűen kérek egy halom hagymahéjat a zöldségesünktől az ünnep előtti héten.Szóval kicsit csalok:)

Polly írta...

Gyönyörű a girland!

♥ Nia írta...

Lovely garland! :)
Oh! This is new to me! Easter eggs tradition from Hungary :) Really good idea! Thank you for sharing :D
Hope you're having a great week! Hugs&smiles

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